~ In Fires - In Trials ~


A love shines brightest in the darkness....

Dear fellow Catholics and Christians alike, never before has a time passed in our lives when our love for our Beloved God has had a chance to be so magnified! 

Now, in the time of desolation and despair... when our blessed Savior cloaks His face... it is a time to rejoice... simply because we have a chance to show Him that we love Him back, even when we cannot see....
Even when the mists of darkness close upon the world....
Even when the terror of death looms dark upon us....
Even when in torment we cry out in pain....
It is a trial of our love, and the harder the trial... the more of a Saint you will become to pass through it... the more love you can prove to the Lord!

So let us prove ourselves! 
Be Christian!
Be Catholic!
Be Warriors of Saintly Love!

Let us set a face of joy upon our country thus suffering....

The purpose of this page is not so much to speak however, it is to organize:

My commitment during this time of trial is to do my best to post frequently, and meaningfully, whatever it is that my Lord sends to me... because so much darkness is now upon the minds of all, that we can all use a little laughter.

So here is a compilation of both all my best posts and the ones in which I have written so far since this alien experience started (And I will update this page with new posts too as I write them....)

Posts of the Time:

Jane Austin's Hidden Love Lesson ~ An Essay on Emma - An examination of the love between Jane Austin's unlikely characters Harriet Smith and Robert Martin, it's qualities, it's composition, and most importantly, it's sanctity.

The Last of the Yogurts ~ A Short Comic Story -  An elaboration and furthering of my previously stated opinion, before launching into a wonky satire story that I wrote a while back about revolting grocery items....

Of Trees and Man and Fear - A post exploring the appeal of nature to man, and the immense symbolic beauty in nature, even in something as simple as a tree. It also discusses fear and prayer, and in general my reaction at the start of the Corona Pandemic.

Every Life is Worth a Smile - A post explaining the importance of a smile.

Older Posts:

A Porter's Calling - It's a classic must-read in terms of this blog, and probably one of my better posts.

The Symbol of America - An Independence Day Post - A contemplation of the symbolism behind the flag of America, and the extremely Christian imagery it imposes.

Dreaming of Life... Dreaming of Love... Dreaming of Lord - A post on the intriguing idea dreams and their relations to life - it that dips a bit into philosophy (though I was quite unaware of it at the time). 

The Humility of Sleep - A contemplation on the surprising amount of virtue involved with a matter as simple as sleep, delving into the reasons why we tend, as a rule, to detest it in nowadays culture... Dubbed by some readers to be one of my best posts... it probably is too.

Every Boy's a Knight - A short but sweet post on the callings and loves of gentlemen and ladies, each in their own way. (Piggy-backed off a thought Archbishop Fulton Sheen once brought up briefly, though in much better words than I put it)

Purity, as Modesty of the Senses - A post on modesty and purity from an interesting viewpoint.

The Hero of the Mind - An examination of heroism, and what a true hero looks like.

¡Viva Cristo Rey!

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