Thursday, March 9, 2023



Hello dear readers!

Doubtless you had guessed this, considering the lack of content in years, but this is the official  announcement that, to all intensive purposes for the near or any future, this blog is now discontinued.

I have decided too to take down the posts, though perhaps not indefinitely, at lest until I can go through them with a bit more knowledge on the content they contain. (As some if not all of them I do believe, were written without a true basing or research, at least to the extent that they should have been, into matters of faith and the individual matters the posts deal with.) In other words, I am not a voice of authority, and don't want to be spreading any  heretical ideas, even though I can assure you I never intended such, even good intentions can lead to deplorable results if not regulated.

Thank you one and all, and may God bless and keep every one of you, together with the Holy Family in the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph!

Pray for me, as I will for you.

Sincerely, The Doorman.